Home > Perl > How do you read an entire file into a string?

How do you read an entire file into a string?

Method #1: Use the kernel system call.

Sample code:

# Read entire file into string:
$output = `cat sample_file.txt`;


This is the simpliest method, but NOT recommended. There are many issues with this, such as platform-dependent, and bad programming practice (launching a shell to get the output).

  • Windows won’t be able to run this.
  • It launches a new shell (bad programming practice) to get the output.

Method #2: Open the file through Perl.

Sample code:

# Read entire file into string:
open(FILE, "sample_file.txt") or die "Error: no file found.";
$output = do {local $/; <FILE> };


* Recommended.

This is the recommended method. The reason this works is due to the special character $/ defined by Perl.

Normally reading <FILE> returns a line from the file. This is because <FILE> is read until it hits the delimiter defined by $/, which is “\n” by default. By creating a local $/ in the do loop, it reads until it hits at the end of the file, since $/ is undefined.


# $/ = "\n", reads until end of line.
$output = <FILE>;

# $/ = "c", reads until it hits 'c'.
$output = do {local $/="c"; <FILE> };

# $/ is undefined, reads until eof.
$output = do {local $/=; <FILE> };

Method #3: Use File::Slurp.

Sample code:

# Read entire file into string:
use File::Slurp qa( slurp );
$output = slurp("sample_file.txt");


* Highest performance.

This relies on File::Slurp Perl package to read efficiently an entire file. Though one could use read_file() defined by Slurp, it’s better to use slurp() because it will be supported in Perl 6 as part of the standard package.

Since it isn’t a standard function, File::Slurp will have to be installed on every machine that use this code. Because of this issue, method 2 is preferred. However, if performance is crucial in the program, then use this method.

Install this module is very easy. Download through the link, extract and run the commands (as root):

$ perl Makefile.PL
$ make
$ make install

Nowadays linux distrubutions have easy package installers. Glancing at Ubuntu, I found this command to install File::Slurp:

apt-get install libfile-policy-perl

Final comment:

The first two methods are NOT a good method to read really large files. Some claim that the 3rd method can handle large files efficiently, though through some experimentation I haven’t reproduced the desired result. Ideally it make sense: Perl’s I/O operation is not as efficient, and Perl::Slurp tries to bypass this by using sysread() command.

Running a quick test, I found the performance between these three methods when reading a 100 MB text file:

Method #1: 1.450 seconds
Method #2: 0.754 seconds
Method #3: 0.744 seconds

This was too fast for checking memory usage, but reading a 500 MB file showed that the program used up to 70% of my memory resources of a 1.25 GB RAM laptop.

For more details on this topic, this is a decent article about trying to increase performance for large files. Though out of date on some issues (File::Slurp implementation has improved since this article was written), it has some good data.

Addendum added Aug 8th, 2009 (3rd method and expanding on final comment).

Categories: Perl
  1. August 4, 2009 at 12:45 pm

    I prefer using File::Slurp.

    • coder_commenter
      August 9, 2009 at 6:45 am

      I thought of adding that option, but you would need to install the module since it isn’t part of the regular perl package.

      For a single user, it’s easy to install the needed module, but after maintaining multiple computers, it gets annoyed having to install a customized Perl environment for each machine.

      Granted, it isn’t too bad nowadays with easy package installers.

      I’ve added an addendum to this post with more info.

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